TERM FEE:All Preschool, Gymfun, Recreational, Trampolining and Tumbling classes.
Fees are due within the first 2 weeks of term, if not paid in full via the website.
Classes run to the primary school term, the clubguarantees 8 lessons per term. Fees will only be discounted when a member joins more than half way through the term at the discretion of the manager and/or treasurer. Discounts or class credits may be applied in the case of injury or illness when accompanied by a medical certificate.
2nd Class discount: When your child is enrolled in a 2nd recreation class a 20% discount will be applied to the term fee of the 2nd class.
3rd Class Discount: When your child is enrolled in a 3rd recreation class a 30% discount will be applied to the term fee of the 3rd class.
TERM FEE:All Competitive classes (MAG and WAG classes).
Fees are due within the first 2 weeks of term. A payment plan must be put in place if payment is not received in full.
Class fee is determined by the hours or step programs.
Fee will only be discounted for valid reasons e.g. injury or long term absences; fee will only be discounted if the club is notified well in advance and/or at the discretion of the office manager and/or treasurer.
Holiday training is available at the discretion of the Program manager and Coaching staff. These training sessions are provided as an addition with no extra charge.
CASUAL FEES:Teens/Adults classes and some preschool classes
Payable on the day; No payment - No entry.
Gymnasts attending on a casual basis are not charged an Affiliation fee.
AFFILIATION FEE: All classes except Teens/Adults and casual preschool
Collected and paid by the club to Gymnastics New Zealand. Affiliation is charged per term for all gymnasts.
COMPETITION ENTRY FEE: Collected and paid on the gymnasts’ behalf for entry into competitions
Competition entry fee is payable on-line or via bank transfer.
Payment must be received to be entered. No payment – no entry lodged.
Any late entry fees will be charged accordingly, as specified by the host club of each competition.
To apply for a refund from the host club a medical certificate is required within 1 week of the missed competition.
Fee is non-refundable directly from Waitakere Gymnastics Club.
COMPETITION LEVY: All gymnasts attending competitions (MAG, WAG, Recreational)
Competition levy will be applied to Competition Entry fee where applicable.
Competition levy is non- refundable for non- attendance at the competition.
Levy covers the cost of coaches and/or judges attending competitions ie. Travel and accommodation.
Out of Auckland competitions will incur a higher levy than in Auckland competitions. Levy is set depending on the number of competitors attending.
LATE PAYMENT FEE: All outstanding fees at the end of each term will incur a 10% late payment fee.
PAYMENT PLANS: Payment plans are available on request.
All payment plans must be settled prior to the end of each term; any outstanding balance will incur a late payment fee of 10%.
Payment plans need to be accepted by the office administrator prior to the start of Term.
Updated: June 2023