Team Gym is here!

July 11, 2017 2 min read

Team Gym is here!

TeamGym is an exciting style of group performance, recommended for participants aged 7 years and over.  All routines are synchronized with music creativity and showmanship are welcomed.  

TeamGymWaitakere Gymnastics Club is opening an exciting new class in Term 3. Our very first TeamGym class will be held on Thursday 27th July 2017, 4.30 to 5.30, the coaches are Carolina Urrea and Kristy Collins.

We are looking for 18 enthusiastic kids to join this class. At this stage we are only doing one TeamGym class per week, we will look to introduce more classes as numbers increase. Fees will be $135.00 plus $6.00 affiliation = $141.00 per term.

What is TeamGym? Learn more about it...

TeamGym is an exciting style of group performance, recommended for participants aged 7 years and over. It is based on the popular international European TeamGym competition and encourages teamwork, creativity, originality and showmanship to provide the audience with an energetic, enthusiastic and dynamic performance. All routines are synchronized with music creativity and showmanship are welcomed. There are three apparatus used for TeamGym:


Floor work incorporates dance, sports acrobatics, aerobics and tumbling elements to be rhythmic and entertaining while demonstrating co-ordination, balance, statics, flexibility and strength.


Tumbling relies on good teamwork for synchronicity and uniformity while demonstrating an athlete’s tumbling abilities

Vault and Mini-Tramp

This relies on good teamwork for uniformity and synchronicity while demonstrating an athlete’s vaulting and mini-tramping abilities. Below are links explaining a bit about Team Gym and showing some routines etc.

TeamGym is a team sport, when you join TeamGym you will become part of a team. Synchronicity plays a very large part of TeamGym and it is very difficult to get the gymnasts synchronized if team members are absent. It is very important that members attend all training sessions. All Auckland gymnastic clubs are looking to have a fun day in November to bring all the teams together to compete. It is intended that next year Auckland clubs will introduce TeamGym competitions.

Teams of up to 12 gymnasts can enter one of the following divisions, Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Senior or Open. All team members must perform on the floor and on all other apparatus only a minimum of six needs to be performing at any one time. Divisions are based on overall team ability and capability not individual age and experience. Ability is only one of the components that make up a great TeamGym member, a positive can do attitude is just as important.  

If you are interested in joining the TeamGym squad or have any questions please contact me Ph 827-5394 or email