Fee Increase 2019

December 03, 2018 2 min read

Fee Increase 2019


December 2018

To All Club Members

Fee Increase 2019

We are writing to advise you that Gymnastics NZ have recently had their funding cut by Sport New Zealand by $300,000 per year. In order to maintain the services, they provide for all members and clubs, they are too passing some of those costs on, and have advised us of an increase in member affiliation fees for 2019.

The member affiliation fee pays for the licensing of all the programs that Gymnastics NZ develop. Our club runs programs such as Gym Fun, Preschool, Recreational classes and the competitive squad. The affiliation fee is currently paid by all club members,

On the 10thDecember 2018, we will be increasing our fees by approximately 3% plus the increased affiliation. Any classes booked from this date will have the fee increases applied. Online enrolments for 2019 will be open from 10thDecember.

Notably, Waitakere Gymnastics have not increased the fees for the last few years, but with the increases in the abovementioned affiliation fees and general operating costs, we reluctantly must increase fees for 2019.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind all members that Waitakere Gymnastics is a non-profit organisation, which means any money we do make goes straight back into the club to fund our twenty coaches and the maintenance of the building and equipment. The club is run by a small, but dedicated committee responsible for the financial management of the club. We are also very thankful for any support we receive from our members.

We would like to thank you for your understanding with the fee increases along with your ongoing membership with our club.

We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

Kind Regards

Waitakere Gymnastics Management Committee